Welcome to a Sacred Path of Transformation

I invite you to embark on a journey with me, one rooted in ancient wisdom and guided by the healing practices of both Vietnamese and Andean shamanism. Together, we will clear energetic blockages, heal emotional wounds, and reconnect with the deepest parts of your soul.

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is a spiritual practice that has been passed down through generations across many cultures. At its heart, shamanism is about connection—to yourself, the natural world, and the unseen spiritual realms. Through shamanic practices, we tap into ancient wisdom to restore harmony and balance in the body, mind, and spirit.

The Shaman’s Way Of Healing


My Approach
In our sessions, I combine the teachings of my Vietnamese lineage with the sacred ceremonies of Andean shamanism. My work is guided by the wisdom of my ancestors, using tools such as energy medicine, plant medicine, and sacred sound. Each session is tailored to your needs and guided by the energy present, allowing for profound healing to take place.

What to Expect on Your Journey
During our time together, we may work with various shamanic techniques depending on your personal healing journey:

  • Illumination: Clearing heavy energy from your field and restoring lightness and clarity.

  • Extraction: Releasing energy that no longer serves you.

  • Cord Cutting: Breaking energetic ties that keep you tethered to unhealthy relationships or past traumas.

  • Soul Retrieval: Reclaiming lost parts of yourself that have fragmented due to trauma or difficult life experiences.

  • Destiny Retrieval: Connecting you to your highest potential and purpose in life.

Each session is a co-creation, where you are an active participant in your own healing process.

How We Work Together
Our sessions will take place over Zoom, allowing you to receive healing in the comfort of your own sacred space. I also offer in-person group healing circles, where we come together as a community to heal and support one another.

Preparing for Your Journey
To fully benefit from this sacred work, I recommend creating a peaceful environment before each session. Spend a few moments in stillness, and have a notebook nearby to record any insights or messages that come through. Your openness and presence during the session will allow the healing to flow deeply.

An Invitation to Transform
Whether you are seeking clarity, healing, or a deeper connection to yourself, I am here to guide you on this sacred journey. Together, we will move through layers of pain and conditioning to help you step into your most authentic self.

The Four Directions of the Andean Medicine Wheel

In our journey together, we may work with the powerful wisdom of the Andean Medicine Wheel. Each direction offers its own unique teachings and healing energy. As we move through these four sacred directions, we experience healing on all levels—emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual—creating balance and harmony within ourselves and the world around us.

Serpent: Illuminations


The South Direction: The Body or Physical Reality

Archetype of the healer in many cultures; the caduceus of medicine. She teaches us to shed our personal past the way the serpent sheds her skin. The primary life force or the kundalini, the one who dives deep, who knows the way into the secret places inside of ourselves. The one who walks with beauty on the belly of Mother Earth. The one who knows the way back to the Garden of Eden, the place of innocence.

Represents: Cells, Molecules, Hormones & Neurons

The West Direction: The Mind

The jaguar knows the way across the rainbow bridge to the realms beyond death and fear. She is the one who swallows the dying sun, teaching us to step beyond fear, violence and death. The archetypal connection to the life force of the jungle. The steward of the life force, the shaman who has no enemies in this world or the next She represents the the Life/Death principle and renewal of life.

Represents: Words, Feelings, Senses & Intuition


Jaguar: Cord Cutting/Extractions

Hummingbird: Soul Retrieval


The North Direction: The Soul

The ancestors, grandmothers and grandfathers, the ancient memories, the ancient wisdom— the ones who have stepped outside of time and can help us remember the ancient ways. The way of the Hummingbird, who drinks directly from the nectar of life—not built for flight yet undertakes and accomplishes the impossible journey.

Represents: Images, Visualization, Myth, Fire & Ceremony

The East Direction: The Spirit

The archetype of the rising Sun, the place of our becoming—seeing from high above, the vision of clarity and beauty, the great wings of the eagle hold the heart, teaches us to see with the eyes of the heart—the one who nudges us out of the nest to spread our own wings so that we may always fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit.

Represents: Pure, Knowledge, Wisdom & Source


Eagle/Condor: Destiny Retrieval